Luna Kafé e-zine  Luna Kafé record review
flag Mare Smythii - Full Moon 121 - 08/09/06

Devics + Mew
from Mateo's playlist

Heart and Hands/Siren Song

coverpicTwo songs that are instantly classic, these have an ability to bring back memories that perhaps you were unaware you had. Her voice is so ghostly. And his voice balances it so well, albeit sparingly. It's a strong voice that he has. Her range lets her go down to the alto, or up to the soprano. He has a deep baritone.

Y aquí siento el desierto. Tengo que cruzarlo, estoy perdido, tengo que buscar a una nueva vida. Allá de donde vengo, no hay nada más que la corrupción. Tengo yo que cruzar a esa frontera allí. Yo no termináre mi viaje. No terminaré mi viaje. ¡Veo a ella! Después, me muero.

The Zookeeper's Boy

coverpicAre you? My lady are you. My lady are you. Are you? My lady are you. My lady are you. Are you? So... Are you?

You're an ostridge; you've got your head in the sand.

If I don't make it back from the city, it is only because... Answer me truthfully...

So... Are you?

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© 2011 Luna Kafé