Australia - Full Moon 98 - 09/28/04
The Harlequin
self-released, Alethia Music
The Harlequin is made up of two brothers Isaac and Thorry Koren and some more folks. Isaac's
lead vocals have more than a little in common with Jeff Buckley and the band play skyscraping,
atmospheric rock.
"Walls" recalls British bands like Coldplay and Keane, but cuts deeper and has a stronger
emotional impact on this listener at least. "Meantime" is a finely wrought and piano-led song
with progressive leanings. "Arise" is sumptuous and strong, Isaac Koren's lead vocal afloat on a
wash of guitars.
"Bargeman" uses exotic-sounding instruments and mystic lyrics to get its point across. The
romantic strains of "You" are invigorating too.
A starry-eyed and impossibly lovely debut.
Copyright © 2004 Anna Maria Stjärnell 