Luna Kafé e-zine  Luna Kafé record review
coverpic flag US - Wisconsin - Full Moon 46 - 07/16/00

Sigmund Snopek III
Trinity / Seas Seize Sees
Musea Records

Sigmund Snopek III is a versatile American musician - a musical genious who has created and performed a diverse array of original music for over 30 years. His multiple styles include progressive rock (of which I spoke not too long ago), musical comedy, modern symphonic compositions, contemporary choral works and electronic music. Other milestones in his multifaceted career include performing his symphonies with the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra and writing and performing Irish choral works!!

His double CD (two hours worth of material) is the musical dressing/development to a science-fiction theme (that Sigmund had come up with, some time this past century) into a 3-part musical odyssey. It was composed during the seventies and was partly recorded in 1973 (the first part) while the rest was recorded in the period between 1996 and 1999. This incredible musical time bridge cannot be easily classified, categorised or even described in the few sentences allotted here. It includes influences from almost every musical style known to western humanity: rock, progressive rock, space rock, opera, classical music, jazz, and everything else in-between!

An exceptional musical madness, full of creative insanity and dynamic ejaculations of talent and taste. Another great album from the French record company Musea.

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