Luna Kafé e-zine  Luna Kafé record review
coverpic flag US - Virginia - Full Moon 45 - 06/16/00

Xyra and Verborgen
Frightening Beauty

Xyra is a singer/songwriter with a voice that combines angelic tones, sexual power and lusty "speakeasy" insinuations. Elegant jazzy moments and magnificent fulL-bodied, smoky voice creates vocal landscapes full melodramatic eroticism... Xyra is a DIVA, a consummate chanteuse and a great entertainer - the Queen of "Cabaret Rock" - which combines vibrant elements from rock and the smoky, mysterious atmosphere of a night club on the "shady" part of town... Though she has been compared to Annie Lennox, Xyra, I think, is more mellow, more refined, more sinuous.

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© 2011 Luna Kafé