Luna Kafé e-zine  Luna Kafé record review
coverpic flag Ireland - Full Moon 192 - 05/06/12

Wallis Bird
Wallis Bird
Karakter / Rubyworks

Wallis Bird has a unique voice on this album; she's definitely a talent to be reckoned with.

Opener "Dress My Skin and Become What I'm Supposed To" is delicate yet carries a lot of barely suppressed anger. "Take me Home" is a becalmed moment that she handles very well. It's a gorgeously evocative song. "Heartbeating City" sees Bird use some upbeat moods to create a song with a vivacious vocal. It's intriguingly done.

"Polarized" closes the album on a suitable note; Bird building a powerful song slowly. She's a gifted artist and this is a strong album.

Copyright © 2012 Anna Maria Stjärnell e-mail address

© 2012 Luna Kafé