Luna Kafé e-zine  Luna Kafé record review
coverpic flag Sweden - Full Moon 187 - 12/10/11

Annis Brander
Glass People In The Woods
Lonely Road Records

The title of Annis Brander's album came to her in a dream and the album has suitably dreamy content. "More Than Ice Cream" sees her sing 'I love you more than ice cream/I love you more than myself' to an upbeat tune that's heard to get out of your mind. "Oh Darling" is as tender as can be, Brander singing of love to a lovely tune. Its country styling suits it fine.

"You Broke My Heart" is a sad, yet not totally hopeless song, with a heart-rending vocal. "Burning Sky" is a dramatic yet convincing song, Brander's vocal is gorgeous here. Her album is a real treat.

Copyright © 2011 Anna Maria Stjärnell e-mail address

© 2011 Luna Kafé