Luna Kafé e-zine  Luna Kafé record review
coverpic flag US - Texas - Full Moon 173 - 10/23/10

Lumina - Songs of Light From the Dark Hours
Chunky Music

Jacinta's new album has a title that implies a search for hope in a dark time. "Fly" approaches the issue delicately with a celestial lead vocal and a mood that should appeal to many listeners. It's a little like Dido's recent material. "Moonlight" has a becalmed air that suits the tune. It notices how things looks prettier by moonlight and has a lovely lead vocal that allows Jacinta to show her impressive range.

"My Glass is Empty" is a pessimistic yet not totally hopeless mediation on life, as you get older. The piano-led song has a Tori Amos-like quality that works very well. The closing hymn "Our Father" uses the Lord's Prayer to exit the album. It's an intriguing end to this journey into darkness, with a message of hope.

Copyright © 2010 Anna Maria Stjärnell e-mail address

© 2011 Luna Kafé