Luna Kafé e-zine  Luna Kafé record review
coverpic flag US - Texas - Full Moon 141 - 03/21/08

Luna Tart
Luna Tart Died

Laura Freeman claims to be channeling a mysterious film star and singer called Luna Tart for this album. Luna Tart is of course an alter ego of Freeman's but who am I to complain? She pens charming cabaret-jazz songs and warps them in a delightful vintage sleeve.

Freeman plays the ukulele and sings wonderfully on "Crazy Circus Lady" which is a real treat. "Don't Get Nothin' Done" is a charming little jazzy number with a vivacious and near-crazed lead vocal set to a piano backdrop. "Just what you were looking for" is a sweet and sour little ode to prostitution sung in a quasi-innocent voice.

We end with the bittersweet "Life's a party" which means Freeman's indulgence pays off and makes for a good listen.

Copyright © 2008 Anna Maria Stjärnell e-mail address

© 2011 Luna Kafé