Luna Kafé e-zine  Luna Kafé record review
coverpic flag US - Tennessee - Full Moon 139 - 01/22/08

Jubal Lee Young
Jubal Lee Young
Reconstruction Records

Jubal Lee Young is the son of songwriters Steve Young and Terrye Newkirk. His own take on the genre is fresh and he has a dry wit all his own.

"Greed is the Creed" is a raucous song that recalls Steve Earle. Young's voice is raw and his approach seems honest. "She Doesn't Like Clowns" is a neat little love song with an amusing lyric. "More Than Anything" is more Americana with a great lead vocal and an unforgettable melody. "As I Lay Dying" manages to be a moving account of a man close to death. Young really gets under his skin and makes the listener empathize with him.

Jubal Lee Young's record is a delight through and through.

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