Sweden - Full Moon 122 - 09/07/06
Sofia Härdig
The Need To Destroy
Filthy Records
Sofia Härdig made a record with backing band the Needles that was rock in the P.J Harvey vein. Her new solo record is a change from that, minimal electronica in a more subdued but no less persuasive way. "Little Delight" is reminiscent of recent The Knife, but Härdig has her own voice. "I'm Sitting Still" moves at a punishing pace, the synths emitting a strong pulse. Almost like Nine Inch Nails, but smoother.
"Wait" is more conventional fare; Härdig's vocals low in the mix but strong in presence. "Mancall" is a tense track that sounds ready for rock clubs to play. Härdig sings in a striking way as ever. The Need to Destroy is another gem from the singer.
Copyright © 2006 Anna Maria Stjärnell 